Dr. Sikder Sunbeam Islam
Dr. Sikder Sunbeam Islam
PhD, UKM, Malaysia, M.Sc London,UK, B.Sc. in EEE, AUST Professor in EEE Electrical and Electronic Engineering Mobile: 01711443473 sikder_islam@yahoo.co.uk, sikder_islam@iiuc.ac.bd |
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uV-ekuMAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sikder-Islam
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2948-0218
Scopus: https://www2.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55122974400
Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/2466500
- Teaching Expertise
- Research Interest
- Journal Publication
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- Book or Book Chapter
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- Others Activities
Engineering Electromagnetism
Microprocessor and Interfacing
Power Plant Engineering
Engineering Electromagnetism
Microprocessor and Interfacing
Power Plant Engineering
Cloak of Invisibility; Metamaterial; Electromagnetics and Microwave Propagation, Microcontroller Based Design.
Published Research Papers in the Journals
1. Md Mizan Kabir Shuvo, Md Imran Hossain, Sultan Mahmud, Sydur Rahman, Md Tajmiul Hasan Topu, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Ahasanul Hoque , Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Wide-angle broadband polarization independent bend-able nano-meta absorber employed in optical wavelength; Optical Materials (ELSEVIER); Vol. 126, April 2022, 112174; March 2022; (SCI, Scopus indexed).
2. Shafayat Hossain, Md. Iquebal Hossain Patwary, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Sultan Mahmud, Norbahiah Binti Misran, Ali F. Almutairi and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Double-E-Triple-H-Shaped NRI-Metamaterial for Dual-Band Microwave Sensing Applications; Computers, Materials & Continua; Vol. 71(3)5817-5836; January 2022; (SCI, Scopus indexed). DOI10.32604/cmc.2022.022042
3. Md Rakib Raihan Razu, Sultan Mahmud, Mohammad Jalal Uddin, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Badariah Bais, Norbahiah Misran, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicle While Driving; IEEE Access; Vol.9, 157973-157983; November 2021, (SCI, Scopus indexed). DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3130099
4. Md Bellal Hossain, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Modified double dumbbell-shaped split-ring resonator-based negative permittivity metamaterial for satellite communications with high effective medium ratio; Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Vol. 11 (1), pp. 1-18; September 2021, (SCI indexed). DOI https//doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-98703-4
5. Md Mizan Kabir Shuvo, Md Imran Hossain, Sydur Rahman, Sultan Mahmud, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A Wide-Angle, Enhanced Oblique Incidence, Bend-Able Metamaterial Absorber Employed in Visible Region With a Sun Shape Resonator; IEEE Access, Vol.9, 126466-126480; September 2021, (SCI, Scopus indexed). DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3111813
6. Sultan Mahmud, Minhazul Karim, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Md Mizan Kabir Shuvo, Tanzina Akter, Ali F Almutairi, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A multi-band near perfect polarization and angular insensitive metamaterial absorber with a simple octagonal resonator for visible wavelength, IEEE Access, Vol. 9, 117746-117760;August 2021(SCI, Scopus indexed). DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3106588
7. Mohammad Tawsiful Islam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Abu Sajed Rocky, Asraful Alam, Mehidi Hossen Chy, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque; Design of a microstrip patch sensor antenna for the measurement of permittivity; Materials Today Proceedings(ELSEVIER); Vol. 42, Part 2, February 2021, Pages 1341-1344. (Scopus indexed). https//doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.12.1192
8. Mohammad Tawsiful Islam, Md Sultan Mahmud, Md Hobaibul Islam, Al Shahriar, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Asadulla Hil Gulib; Design of a microstrip patch antenna for the Ku band applications; Materials Today Proceedings(ELSEVIER); Vol. 42, Part 2, February 2021, Pages 1502-1505. (Scopus indexed). https//doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.01.445
9. Sultan Mahmud, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Kamarulzaman Mat, Muhammad E.H. Chowdhury, Hatem Ramili, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design and parametric analysis of a wide-angle polarization-insensitive metamaterial absorber with a star-shape resonator for optical wavelength applications; Results in Physics (ELSEVIER); Vol.18 103259; August 2020 (SCIE, Scopus indexed). https//doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103259
10. Sultan Mahmud, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Ali F. Almutairi, and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A Wide Incident Angle, Ultrathin,Polarization-Insensitive Metamaterial Absorber for Optical Wavelength Applications; IEEE Access ; Vol.8, Pages 129525 – 129541; 10th July 2020(SCI,Scopus indexed). DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3008429
11. Asraful Alam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam,Md. Hobaibul Islam; A.F. Almutairi, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Polarization-Independent Ultra-Wideband Metamaterial Absorber for Solar Harvesting at Infrared Regime. Materials , Vol.132560, June 2020 (SCIE, Scopus indexed).
12. Krishnan Sinha, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Jakir Hossain; A Combined WU-shaped NRI Metamaterial for Dual Band Microwave Application, Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.7(2)81-87, 2020(Scopus indexed).
13. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammed Sajid Khan and Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque; Design and analysis of modified-split-H-shaped DNG metamaterial for microwave application, Materials Research Express (IOP), Volume 6, Number 12125808, Jan, 2020.(SCIE indexed, Scopus)
14. Ahmed Mahfuz Tamim, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Md. Jubaer Alama,,Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Split ring resonator loaded horizontally inverse double L-shaped metamaterial for C-, X- and Ku-Band Microwave applications, Results in Physics (Elsevier); Vol.12, 2112–2122; 2019 (ISI indexed, Scopus)
15. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Ahmed Mahfuz Tamim, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque A New Double-Negative Material for Multi-band Satellite Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol.547, pp. 357-364, April 2019 (Scopus indexed).
16. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, MM Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque; A new metamaterial-based wideband rectangular invisibility cloak, Applied Physics A (Springer), Vol. 124, 2601-5; 2018 . doi 10.1007/s00339-018-1590-9 (Scopus, SCI indexed)
17. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, MM Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, MT Islam; Double arrow shaped negative index metamaterial for tri-band applications, Journal Of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 201-6; 2018 . (Scopus, ISI indexed)
18. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Mohd Tarmizi Ali and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A new wideband negative refractive index metamaterial for dualband operation, Applied Physics A (Springer), Vol. 123, 2521-5; 2017 . doi10.1007/s00339-016-0737-9 (Scopus, SCI indexed)
19. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A dual-polarized metamaterial-based cloak; Materials Research Bulletin, Vol.96,pp.250-253 (ELSEVIER);2017 http//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2017.02.039 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
20. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Md. Mehedi Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Two components NRI metamaterial for dual band applications; Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. (Wiley); Vol. 59, No. 5, May 2017. DOI 10.1002/mop.30468 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
21. M. J. Hossain, M. R. I. Faruque, M. T. Islam and S. S. Islam; An effective medium ratio obeying meta-atom for multiband applications; Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences; 2017 DOI https//doi.org/10.1515/bpasts-2017-0017 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
22. M. J. Hossain, M. R. I. Faruque, S. S. Islam, and M. T. Islam; Design and analysis of a new double C-shaped miniaturized metamaterial for multiband applications, Applied Physics A (Springer), 123(5) 310. May 2017. .DOI 10.1007/s00339-016-0727-y (Scopus, SCI indexed)
23. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; New NRI Metamaterial for Multi-band Operation; Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering; Vol. 8 No. 3; pp.171-173; September 2016 (Scopus)
24. M. J. Hossain, M. R. I. Faruque, S. S. Islam, and M. T. Islam; Sub wavelength operating Metamaterial for multiband Applications; Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley) 583004–3008, September 2016; DOI 10.1002/mop.30202 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
25. Md. Mehedi Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque , Sikder Sunbeam Islam and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A New Compact Double-Negative Miniaturized Metamaterial for Wideband Operation; Materials; 9, 1996-1944; 2016; doi10.3390/ma9100830 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
26. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; An Object- Independent ENZ Metamaterial-Based Wideband Electromagnetic Cloak. Scientific Reports (Sci. Rep.) (Nature Publishing Group) 6, 336241-10; September 2016.doi 10.1038/srep33624. (SCI indexed)
27. Md. Mehedi Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque , Sikder Sunbeam Islam and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A New Compact Double-Negative Miniaturized Metamaterial for Wideband Operation; Materials; 9, 1996-1944; 2016; doi10.3390/ma9100830 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
28. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; New NRI Metamaterial for Multi-band Operation; Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering; Vol. 8 No. 3; pp.171-173; September 2016. (Scopus indexed)
29. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; An ENG metamaterial based wideband electromagnetic cloak; Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley), Volume 58, issue 10, pp 2522–2525, August 2016. (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
30. M. J. Hossain, M. R. I. Faruque, S. S. Islam, and M. T. Islam; Sub wavelength operating Metamaterial for multiband Applications; Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley) 583004–3008, September 2016; DOI 10.1002/mop.30202(Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett.) (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
31. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Mohammad Jakir Hossain and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Limitations of Metamaterials for Invisibility Cloaking; Jurnal Technologi; 78 6–9, 2016. (Scopus indexed)
32. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A new NZRI metamaterial for electromagnetic cloaking operation; International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 145-153, Nov, 2015; DOI 10.3233/JAE-150086(Scopus, SCIE indexed)
33. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Touhidul Alam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design and Analysis of a Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR) Metamaterial Based Antenna for Wideband Application; Science and Engineering of Composite Materials; Vol.24,pp.573-580, 2015. DOI 10.1515/secm-2015-0274 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
34. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A two-component NZRI metamaterial based rectangular cloak; AIP Advances, Vol. 5, pp. 1071161-9; Oct,2015. (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
35. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A novel biaxial double-negative metamaterial for electromagnetic rectangular cloaking operation; Science and Engineering of Composite Materials; Vol.24,pp.335-343, September 2015 DOI 10.1515/secm-2015-0186, (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
36. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. A NEW Wideband Negative Refractive Index Metamaterial; Materiali in Tehnologije, Vol.51, Issue-6, Slovenia, 2016(Scopus, SCIE indexed)
37. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A Near Zero Refractive Index Metamaterial for Electromagnetic Invisibility Cloaking Operation; Materials, 8, 4790-4804; 2015; doi10.3390/ma8084790 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
38. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. ‘A New Direct Retrieval Method of Refractive Index for Metamaterials‟, Current Science, Vol. 109, No. 2, pp.337-342; 25 July 2015 (Scopus, SCI indexed)
39. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design and absorption analysis of a new multiband split-S-shaped metamaterial; Science and Engineering of Composite Materials ; Vol.24,pp.139-148, 2015. DOI 10.1515/secm-2014-0376 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
40. Shouman Barua, Farhana Afroz, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Afaz Uddin Ahmed, Pantha Ghosal, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran; Comparative Study on Priority Based QoS Aware Mac Protocols For WSN; International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) ,Vol. 6, No. 5, October 2014
41. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design of a New ENG Metamaterial for S-Band Microwave Applications; Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering ;Vol. 7, Nr. 2, pp.13-16; October 2014; (Scopus indexed)
42. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design and Analysis of a New Double Negative Metamaterial; Informacije MIDEM; Vol. 44, No. 3, pp.218 – 223, 2014. (Scopus, SCI indexed)
43. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. ‘A New Double Negative Metamaterial for C-Band Microwave Applications‟ Advanced Materials Research; Vol. 974 pp 33-37; 2014. doi10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.974.33, (Scopus indexed)
44. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; “A new double negative metamaterial for multi-band microwave applications”; Applied Physics A (Springer), Volume 116, Issue 2, pp 723-733, August 2014; DOI 10.1007/s00339-014-8549-2; (Scopus, SCI indexed)
45. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; „Design and Analyses of a Novel Split-H-Shaped Metamaterial for Multi-Band Microwave Applications‟; Materials, 7, pp.4994-5011; 2014. ISSN 1996-1944 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
46. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Md. Jashim Uddin “A Solar System to reduce the Power Crisis in Bangladesh through Electric Vehicle Recharging Station” IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), Volume 5, Issue 3, April, 2013, India.
47. Sikder Sunbeam Islam “QoS Analyses of Interactive Traffic using Access Service Class for UMTS 3G Network” Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), Volume 5, Issue 5, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
1. Md Mizan Kabir Shuvo, Md Imran Hossain, Sultan Mahmud, Sydur Rahman, Md Tajmiul Hasan Topu, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Ahasanul Hoque , Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Wide-angle broadband polarization independent bend-able nano-meta absorber employed in optical wavelength; Optical Materials (ELSEVIER); Vol. 126, April 2022, 112174; March 2022; (SCI, Scopus indexed).
2. Shafayat Hossain, Md. Iquebal Hossain Patwary, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Sultan Mahmud, Norbahiah Binti Misran, Ali F. Almutairi and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Double-E-Triple-H-Shaped NRI-Metamaterial for Dual-Band Microwave Sensing Applications; Computers, Materials & Continua; Vol. 71(3)5817-5836; January 2022; (SCI, Scopus indexed). DOI10.32604/cmc.2022.022042
3. Md Rakib Raihan Razu, Sultan Mahmud, Mohammad Jalal Uddin, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Badariah Bais, Norbahiah Misran, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicle While Driving; IEEE Access; Vol.9, 157973-157983; November 2021, (SCI, Scopus indexed). DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3130099
4. Md Bellal Hossain, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Modified double dumbbell-shaped split-ring resonator-based negative permittivity metamaterial for satellite communications with high effective medium ratio; Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Vol. 11 (1), pp. 1-18; September 2021, (SCI indexed). DOI https//doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-98703-4
5. Md Mizan Kabir Shuvo, Md Imran Hossain, Sydur Rahman, Sultan Mahmud, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A Wide-Angle, Enhanced Oblique Incidence, Bend-Able Metamaterial Absorber Employed in Visible Region With a Sun Shape Resonator; IEEE Access, Vol.9, 126466-126480; September 2021, (SCI, Scopus indexed). DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3111813
6. Sultan Mahmud, Minhazul Karim, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Md Mizan Kabir Shuvo, Tanzina Akter, Ali F Almutairi, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A multi-band near perfect polarization and angular insensitive metamaterial absorber with a simple octagonal resonator for visible wavelength, IEEE Access, Vol. 9, 117746-117760;August 2021(SCI, Scopus indexed). DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3106588
7. Mohammad Tawsiful Islam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Abu Sajed Rocky, Asraful Alam, Mehidi Hossen Chy, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque; Design of a microstrip patch sensor antenna for the measurement of permittivity; Materials Today Proceedings(ELSEVIER); Vol. 42, Part 2, February 2021, Pages 1341-1344. (Scopus indexed). https//doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.12.1192
8. Mohammad Tawsiful Islam, Md Sultan Mahmud, Md Hobaibul Islam, Al Shahriar, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Asadulla Hil Gulib; Design of a microstrip patch antenna for the Ku band applications; Materials Today Proceedings(ELSEVIER); Vol. 42, Part 2, February 2021, Pages 1502-1505. (Scopus indexed). https//doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.01.445
9. Sultan Mahmud, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Kamarulzaman Mat, Muhammad E.H. Chowdhury, Hatem Ramili, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design and parametric analysis of a wide-angle polarization-insensitive metamaterial absorber with a star-shape resonator for optical wavelength applications; Results in Physics (ELSEVIER); Vol.18 103259; August 2020 (SCIE, Scopus indexed). https//doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103259
10. Sultan Mahmud, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Ali F. Almutairi, and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A Wide Incident Angle, Ultrathin,Polarization-Insensitive Metamaterial Absorber for Optical Wavelength Applications; IEEE Access ; Vol.8, Pages 129525 – 129541; 10th July 2020(SCI,Scopus indexed). DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3008429
11. Asraful Alam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam,Md. Hobaibul Islam; A.F. Almutairi, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Polarization-Independent Ultra-Wideband Metamaterial Absorber for Solar Harvesting at Infrared Regime. Materials , Vol.132560, June 2020 (SCIE, Scopus indexed).
12. Krishnan Sinha, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Jakir Hossain; A Combined WU-shaped NRI Metamaterial for Dual Band Microwave Application, Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.7(2)81-87, 2020(Scopus indexed).
13. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammed Sajid Khan and Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque; Design and analysis of modified-split-H-shaped DNG metamaterial for microwave application, Materials Research Express (IOP), Volume 6, Number 12125808, Jan, 2020.(SCIE indexed, Scopus)
14. Ahmed Mahfuz Tamim, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Md. Jubaer Alama,,Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Split ring resonator loaded horizontally inverse double L-shaped metamaterial for C-, X- and Ku-Band Microwave applications, Results in Physics (Elsevier); Vol.12, 2112–2122; 2019 (ISI indexed, Scopus)
15. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Ahmed Mahfuz Tamim, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque A New Double-Negative Material for Multi-band Satellite Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol.547, pp. 357-364, April 2019 (Scopus indexed).
16. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, MM Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque; A new metamaterial-based wideband rectangular invisibility cloak, Applied Physics A (Springer), Vol. 124, 2601-5; 2018 . doi 10.1007/s00339-018-1590-9 (Scopus, SCI indexed)
17. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, MM Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, MT Islam; Double arrow shaped negative index metamaterial for tri-band applications, Journal Of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 201-6; 2018 . (Scopus, ISI indexed)
18. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Mohd Tarmizi Ali and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A new wideband negative refractive index metamaterial for dualband operation, Applied Physics A (Springer), Vol. 123, 2521-5; 2017 . doi10.1007/s00339-016-0737-9 (Scopus, SCI indexed)
19. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A dual-polarized metamaterial-based cloak; Materials Research Bulletin, Vol.96,pp.250-253 (ELSEVIER);2017 http//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2017.02.039 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
20. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Md. Mehedi Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Two components NRI metamaterial for dual band applications; Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. (Wiley); Vol. 59, No. 5, May 2017. DOI 10.1002/mop.30468 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
21. M. J. Hossain, M. R. I. Faruque, M. T. Islam and S. S. Islam; An effective medium ratio obeying meta-atom for multiband applications; Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences; 2017 DOI https//doi.org/10.1515/bpasts-2017-0017 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
22. M. J. Hossain, M. R. I. Faruque, S. S. Islam, and M. T. Islam; Design and analysis of a new double C-shaped miniaturized metamaterial for multiband applications, Applied Physics A (Springer), 123(5) 310. May 2017. .DOI 10.1007/s00339-016-0727-y (Scopus, SCI indexed)
23. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; New NRI Metamaterial for Multi-band Operation; Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering; Vol. 8 No. 3; pp.171-173; September 2016 (Scopus)
24. M. J. Hossain, M. R. I. Faruque, S. S. Islam, and M. T. Islam; Sub wavelength operating Metamaterial for multiband Applications; Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley) 583004–3008, September 2016; DOI 10.1002/mop.30202 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
25. Md. Mehedi Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque , Sikder Sunbeam Islam and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A New Compact Double-Negative Miniaturized Metamaterial for Wideband Operation; Materials; 9, 1996-1944; 2016; doi10.3390/ma9100830 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
26. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; An Object- Independent ENZ Metamaterial-Based Wideband Electromagnetic Cloak. Scientific Reports (Sci. Rep.) (Nature Publishing Group) 6, 336241-10; September 2016.doi 10.1038/srep33624. (SCI indexed)
27. Md. Mehedi Hasan, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque , Sikder Sunbeam Islam and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A New Compact Double-Negative Miniaturized Metamaterial for Wideband Operation; Materials; 9, 1996-1944; 2016; doi10.3390/ma9100830 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
28. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; New NRI Metamaterial for Multi-band Operation; Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering; Vol. 8 No. 3; pp.171-173; September 2016. (Scopus indexed)
29. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; An ENG metamaterial based wideband electromagnetic cloak; Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley), Volume 58, issue 10, pp 2522–2525, August 2016. (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
30. M. J. Hossain, M. R. I. Faruque, S. S. Islam, and M. T. Islam; Sub wavelength operating Metamaterial for multiband Applications; Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley) 583004–3008, September 2016; DOI 10.1002/mop.30202(Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett.) (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
31. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Mohammad Jakir Hossain and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Limitations of Metamaterials for Invisibility Cloaking; Jurnal Technologi; 78 6–9, 2016. (Scopus indexed)
32. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A new NZRI metamaterial for electromagnetic cloaking operation; International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 145-153, Nov, 2015; DOI 10.3233/JAE-150086(Scopus, SCIE indexed)
33. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Touhidul Alam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design and Analysis of a Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR) Metamaterial Based Antenna for Wideband Application; Science and Engineering of Composite Materials; Vol.24,pp.573-580, 2015. DOI 10.1515/secm-2015-0274 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
34. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A two-component NZRI metamaterial based rectangular cloak; AIP Advances, Vol. 5, pp. 1071161-9; Oct,2015. (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
35. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A novel biaxial double-negative metamaterial for electromagnetic rectangular cloaking operation; Science and Engineering of Composite Materials; Vol.24,pp.335-343, September 2015 DOI 10.1515/secm-2015-0186, (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
36. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. A NEW Wideband Negative Refractive Index Metamaterial; Materiali in Tehnologije, Vol.51, Issue-6, Slovenia, 2016(Scopus, SCIE indexed)
37. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A Near Zero Refractive Index Metamaterial for Electromagnetic Invisibility Cloaking Operation; Materials, 8, 4790-4804; 2015; doi10.3390/ma8084790 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
38. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. ‘A New Direct Retrieval Method of Refractive Index for Metamaterials‟, Current Science, Vol. 109, No. 2, pp.337-342; 25 July 2015 (Scopus, SCI indexed)
39. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design and absorption analysis of a new multiband split-S-shaped metamaterial; Science and Engineering of Composite Materials ; Vol.24,pp.139-148, 2015. DOI 10.1515/secm-2014-0376 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
40. Shouman Barua, Farhana Afroz, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Afaz Uddin Ahmed, Pantha Ghosal, Kumbesan Sandrasegaran; Comparative Study on Priority Based QoS Aware Mac Protocols For WSN; International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) ,Vol. 6, No. 5, October 2014
41. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design of a New ENG Metamaterial for S-Band Microwave Applications; Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering ;Vol. 7, Nr. 2, pp.13-16; October 2014; (Scopus indexed)
42. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; Design and Analysis of a New Double Negative Metamaterial; Informacije MIDEM; Vol. 44, No. 3, pp.218 – 223, 2014. (Scopus, SCI indexed)
43. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. ‘A New Double Negative Metamaterial for C-Band Microwave Applications‟ Advanced Materials Research; Vol. 974 pp 33-37; 2014. doi10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.974.33, (Scopus indexed)
44. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque, Mohammad Tariqul Islam; “A new double negative metamaterial for multi-band microwave applications”; Applied Physics A (Springer), Volume 116, Issue 2, pp 723-733, August 2014; DOI 10.1007/s00339-014-8549-2; (Scopus, SCI indexed)
45. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; „Design and Analyses of a Novel Split-H-Shaped Metamaterial for Multi-Band Microwave Applications‟; Materials, 7, pp.4994-5011; 2014. ISSN 1996-1944 (Scopus, SCIE indexed)
46. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Md. Jashim Uddin “A Solar System to reduce the Power Crisis in Bangladesh through Electric Vehicle Recharging Station” IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), Volume 5, Issue 3, April, 2013, India.
47. Sikder Sunbeam Islam “QoS Analyses of Interactive Traffic using Access Service Class for UMTS 3G Network” Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), Volume 5, Issue 5, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Published Research Papers in the Conference Proceedings
1. Sikder Sunbeam Islam ; Arnab Chowdhury ; Nissan Paul ; Shafait Ahmed; Electromagnetic Absorption Comparison of Dipole and Microstrip Patch Antenna in the Human Head ; IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference IEEE UEMCON, November, 2018, New York, USA.
2. Ahmed Mahfuz Tamim, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Md. Abdur Rahman Chowdhury and Md. Iqbal Hossain; Design of a High Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna for X-band Satellite Applications; IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material and Electronic Engineering IC4ME2; 2018, Razshahi, Bnagladesh.
3. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Touhidul Alam ; A New Mu-Negative Metamaterial; IEEE International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology EICT; 2015, Khulna, Bnagladesh.
4. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Touhidul Alam ; A Metamaterial Based Triangular Cloak; IEEE International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology EICT; 2015 Khulna, Bnagladesh.
4. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. "A New Hollow-H-Shaped Negative Refractive Index Metamaterial" 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics META‟15. 2015, USA.
5. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A new SNG metamaterial for S-band microwave applications; IEEE/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision ICIEV, May, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. Design, Fabrication and Measurement of A New SNG Metamaterial; Internatinal Conference of Material &Technology ICM&T , , 2014, Slovenia.
7. Sikder Sunbeam Islam and Mohammd Mahmud Hasan; Design and Cost benefit Analyses of a Proposed Solar Reging Station in Bangladesh; IEEE International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication TechnologyEICT, 2013, Khulna, Bangladesh.
8. Muhammad Baqer Mollah, Kazi Reazul Islam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam; “E-Police System for Improved E-Government Services of Developing Countries”, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE 978-1-4673-1433-6, April 29-May04, 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
9. Muhammad Baqer Mollah, Kazi Reazul Islam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam; Next Generation of Computing through Cloud Computing Technology, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE 978-1-4673-1433-6, April 29-May04, 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
10.Mohammad Baqer Mollah, Sikder Sunbeam Islam;“ “Towards IEEE 802.22 Based SCADA System for Future Distributed System” IEEE/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision ICIEV, May, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
11. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Kowshik Dey, Mohammed Rafiqul Islam , Mohammad Kurshed Alam; An Infrared Based Intelligent Traffic System; IEEE/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision ICIEV, May,2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
12. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Baqer Mollah ; OPNET Based Study on the Effects of both FACH Scheduling and Bandwidth on QoS of UMTS Network; IEEE/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision ICIEV,May, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
13. M. Baqer Mollah, Md. Rashedul Islam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam; The Forecasting Effects of Using Compact Flourescent Lamps on Human Being, Environment and Electrical Power Quality in Bangladesh. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics ICCCI -2012, Jan. 10 – 12, 2012, Coimbatore, INDIA.
1. Sikder Sunbeam Islam ; Arnab Chowdhury ; Nissan Paul ; Shafait Ahmed; Electromagnetic Absorption Comparison of Dipole and Microstrip Patch Antenna in the Human Head ; IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference IEEE UEMCON, November, 2018, New York, USA.
2. Ahmed Mahfuz Tamim, Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Md. Abdur Rahman Chowdhury and Md. Iqbal Hossain; Design of a High Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna for X-band Satellite Applications; IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material and Electronic Engineering IC4ME2; 2018, Razshahi, Bnagladesh.
3. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Touhidul Alam ; A New Mu-Negative Metamaterial; IEEE International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology EICT; 2015, Khulna, Bnagladesh.
4. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Touhidul Alam ; A Metamaterial Based Triangular Cloak; IEEE International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology EICT; 2015 Khulna, Bnagladesh.
4. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. "A New Hollow-H-Shaped Negative Refractive Index Metamaterial" 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics META‟15. 2015, USA.
5. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam; A new SNG metamaterial for S-band microwave applications; IEEE/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision ICIEV, May, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Rashed Iqbal Faruque and Mohammad Tariqul Islam. Design, Fabrication and Measurement of A New SNG Metamaterial; Internatinal Conference of Material &Technology ICM&T , , 2014, Slovenia.
7. Sikder Sunbeam Islam and Mohammd Mahmud Hasan; Design and Cost benefit Analyses of a Proposed Solar Reging Station in Bangladesh; IEEE International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication TechnologyEICT, 2013, Khulna, Bangladesh.
8. Muhammad Baqer Mollah, Kazi Reazul Islam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam; “E-Police System for Improved E-Government Services of Developing Countries”, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE 978-1-4673-1433-6, April 29-May04, 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
9. Muhammad Baqer Mollah, Kazi Reazul Islam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam; Next Generation of Computing through Cloud Computing Technology, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE 978-1-4673-1433-6, April 29-May04, 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
10.Mohammad Baqer Mollah, Sikder Sunbeam Islam;“ “Towards IEEE 802.22 Based SCADA System for Future Distributed System” IEEE/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision ICIEV, May, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
11. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Kowshik Dey, Mohammed Rafiqul Islam , Mohammad Kurshed Alam; An Infrared Based Intelligent Traffic System; IEEE/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision ICIEV, May,2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
12. Sikder Sunbeam Islam, Mohammad Baqer Mollah ; OPNET Based Study on the Effects of both FACH Scheduling and Bandwidth on QoS of UMTS Network; IEEE/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision ICIEV,May, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
13. M. Baqer Mollah, Md. Rashedul Islam, Sikder Sunbeam Islam; The Forecasting Effects of Using Compact Flourescent Lamps on Human Being, Environment and Electrical Power Quality in Bangladesh. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics ICCCI -2012, Jan. 10 – 12, 2012, Coimbatore, INDIA.
Published Book
“QoS Analyses for UMTS Cellular Network Theory and Experimental Analyses” Sikder Sunbeam Islam; Lambert Academic Publisher, Germany, February, 2012.
“QoS Analyses for UMTS Cellular Network Theory and Experimental Analyses” Sikder Sunbeam Islam; Lambert Academic Publisher, Germany, February, 2012.
Best Paper Award (PID-46), ICISET 2022.
Best Paper Award, ICISET 2018.
Silver Madal; A NZRI Metamaterial-based Invisibility Cloak, i-ENVEX, Malaysia 2016.
Best Presenter; Sikder Sunbeam Islam, SPSA 2015; Angkasa, UKM, Malaysia
Best Paper Award (PID-46), ICISET 2022.
Best Paper Award, ICISET 2018.
Silver Madal; A NZRI Metamaterial-based Invisibility Cloak, i-ENVEX, Malaysia 2016.
Best Presenter; Sikder Sunbeam Islam, SPSA 2015; Angkasa, UKM, Malaysia